Winter Break

December 17- Jan 2

Upcoming Dates

Fri, Jan 6- math: fractions assessment

Dec 17- Jan 1- Winter Break

Tues, Jan 2- Students Return to School


Have a great winter break!

Thank you for the holiday cards and gifts!

I appreciate the support from families and room parents this year.

If you desire any learning over the break

Try using these four easy computer programs.

  1. Lexia- 30 min (or complete 4 lessons)

  2. Reflex- get a green light

  3. myON- 30 min

  4. Frax- complete a mission (fraction learning game)

Learning at Home - Choice Boards

Additional learning at home can be found on Schoology-->Courses-->Homeroom-->Learning at Home "Choice Board."

Academics (Summary of Last Week)

Math- Student are working on representing mixed numbers and improper fractions with models and number lines.

Reading- Students started reading some books on Ancient Egypt, finding topics that interest them for a research project.

Writing- Students started thinking about research topics.

Science- Science will continue next quarter because we are finished our water cycle unit.

History- Students were introduced to the ancient Egyptian culture.