Week 20
Jan 23-27
It's a short week, so just focus on Reflex.
Monday Night
Reflex Math- get a green light
Tuesday Night
Reflex Math- get a green light
Wednesday Night
Thursday Night
Ancient Egypt Writing Share this Wednesday!
Our next writing share is on Wed, Jan 25 from 9-10 AM. Please have your child come hungry because we will be serving breakfast. This will take place in the classroom instead of the cafeteria because there was a scheduling conflict.
Rise Against Hunger Thanks!
Thank you for all who donated to Rise Against Hunger. So many families donated money to the cause.
End of Quarter 2.
This Wednesday is the last day of quarter 2. The school year is roughly half way over. We will continue strong into quarter 3 focused on your child's growth in all subject areas. I am looking forward to see what this second half of the school year brings.
Academics (Summary of Last Week)
Math- Student learned about congruent and nocongruent shapes and also how to combine and subdivide polygons into different shapes. They memorized geometrical figures including a point, ray, line, line segment, angle, and several different polygons using flashcards. They also studied geometrical patterns which included repeating and growing patterns.
Reading- Students finished their notes on their ancient Egypt research topic using books and online websites!
Word Study- Students are learning the uses of apostrophe. The first use is as a possessive noun such as "Jake's car." The second is for contractions such as "they're" and "she's." We are also working on hearing the number of sounds in words (called phonological awareness.
Writing- Students organized their note cards for their research project in order and wrote their rough draft in a planning packet. Now on to typing, editing and revising, and adding pictures and captions. Then we will publish and share them on Wednesday
History- Students learned about the job specialization in anceint Egypt and in our own society. They learned there are differnt classes of jobs. We discussed how to people from ancient and modern times make economic choices and how the economy of ancient Egypt was strong, kind of like our modern day American economy.
Academic Work at Home
If you are looking for academic work for your child to complete when there is a day off school, if your child will be staying home and is well enough to do work, or maybe you are traveling and you'd like to bring some work with them, then here are some recommendations. These are all programs which are done on the computer.
Lexia- 30 min (or complete 4 lessons)
Reflex- get a green light
myON- 30 min